Remembering and Celebrating Ken Hamai

We are heartbroken at the passing of long time GAPA supporter, Ken Hamai. A fixture in our Queer and Transgender Asian and Pacific Islander community, Ken always led with love and support of our community. For 34 years, Ken and his husband Jack Henyon have attended every single Runway of GAPA since 1988, being our biggest cheerleader and always taking pictures, sharing information, and assisting us in building our shared history. Ken also organized several VIP receptions for Runway, making sure to invite members of the Imperial Council of San Francisco and building bridges in our Queer community. Ken’s exuberance for life, warmth in welcoming you in every social gathering with a smile and a hug, and deep caring for everyone in our QTAPI community will be deeply missed.

We send our love, support, and deepest condolences to Jack and the rest of the community mourning this great loss. We wish to acknowledge the ongoing outpouring of love for him and the deep impact he’s had, helping to shape GAPA through all of his efforts and joy into the organization it is today.